Women Men
Beautiful or Handsome 4% 12%
Attractive 40% 31%
Average 53% 54%
Below average 2% 3%
Unattractive 1% 0%
Only 4% of women said "beautiful", exactly as Dove's research found, but 44% said they were above average and only 3% thought they were below average. That is, people are almost as positive about their looks as they are about their driving ability. More men put themselves in the top category, but it seems to me that "beautiful" is a stronger term than "handsome."
The Gallup survey followed with two other questions about looks: "All in all, are you satisfied with how attractive you are, or do you often wish you could be more attractive?" and "All in all, would you say you are generally pleased with the way your body looks, or not?"
On these, there were some differences: 26% of women and only 17% of men said they often wished they could be more attractive, while 80% of men and 66% of women said they they were generally pleased with the way their body looks. But substantial majorities of women chose the positive response on each one.