A few days ago, the New York Times printed a discussion among David Brooks, Ross Douthat, David French and Bret Stephens. The moderator, Patrick Healy, started off by saying "more registered voters think America is on the right track than at any point since 2004, according to a new NBC News poll." It's not actually the highest since 2004 (I think NBC News was just counting their own polls), but it's definitely above average. In the latest NBC News poll, 44% said the country was going in the right direction and 54% said it was on the wrong track. I have recorded results from about 100 surveys that asked that question between 1971 and 2022 and the median was about 35% right direction and 59% wrong track. The figure below shows results from 2024-2025:
Blue dots are before the election, red dots are after the election but before Trump's inauguration, and green dots are after the inauguration. There was little or no trend before the election and not much change after the election, but since January 11 the "right direction" numbers have been high--what's more, they seem to be rising. Trump's approval ratings, in contrast, have been declining.
How to you reconcile these different patterns? The New York Times columnists didn't really try--they seemed to assume that "right direction" was equivalent to strong approval and went on to talk about why Trump has a lot of dedicated supporters. But if you look at the whole period since 1971, the correlation between presidential approval and "right direction" isn't very strong: for example, Obama had higher approval ratings than Trump, a lot of enthusiastic supporters, but averaged only 36%-58% in the right direction/wrong track question. I can think of two possibilities. One is that "right direction" is a combination of presidential approval and beliefs about social and economic conditions, and that Republican beliefs about social and economic conditions are more influenced by partisanship than Democratic beliefs are (as Paul Krugman has claimed). That is, the plus factor of Republicans turning around and thinking conditions are good is bigger than the minus factor of Democrats turning and thinking conditions are bad. The other is that there's a third factor, which is the extent to which a president is able to implement his agenda. That is, if the president is meeting a lot of opposition, someone who approves of the president might say that the country is on the wrong track. This account might help to explain why the "right track" is not just relatively high but rising--Trump has been able to get things done. That is, almost everyone who approves of Trump will be happy with the direction of the country. In contrast, under Obama or Trump I, there were more people who approved of the president but were frustrated because he wasn't getting his way.
[Data from the Roper Center for Public Opinion Research]