Sunday, June 2, 2024

Equity and Exclusion

 I don't have time for a longer post now, so here is a quick one.  In 1996, 2004, and 2014, the General Social Survey asked for reactions to the statement:   "America should take stronger measures to exclude illegal immigrants."  Options were strongly agree, agree, neither agree nor disagree, disagree, strongly disagree.  The results:

             SA    A      N     D    SD
1996     44    29    13     6      2
2004     31    37    16   11      3
2014     24    33    16   18      4

The balance of opinions was always on the "agree" side, but there was a substantial change:  the total agree minus disagree went from 65 to 54 to 35.  Unfortunately, the question hasn't been asked since then.  The change could be because people became less concerned about illegal immigration or because they came to think that the government was doing a better job in controlling it.  I would guess that the first was more important, since I don't recall any changes in policy that got much attention in the media.

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