Friday, May 3, 2024

Who can you trust?

 A couple of years ago, I wrote about a question asked in 1974 and 1976 and revived in 2001--"how much trust and confidence do you have in the American people as a whole when it comes to making judgments under our democratic system about the issues facing our country--a great deal, a fair amount, not very much, or none at all?" I recently discovered that this was part of a series of questions about "trust and confidence" in various things related to politics.  I'll consider some of them today.  First, the updated figure for the American people:

There is a decline, which seems to have been especially sharp between about 2010 and 2015, but has continued since then.  (The one relatively high figure in recent years was in a survey taken just days after Joe Biden's inauguration).  

Next, one on trust and confidence in "men and women in political life in this country who either hold or are running for political office."

It's a similar downward trend, but there is more year-to-year variation.  It was unusually high in 2008--maybe that was because of Obama.  It also rose during the Trump administration, which seems surprising, but might have been because of Democrats uniting in opposition to Trump.  But overall, they track each other closely--the correlation is 0.84.  

Next, one on trust and confidence in "the government of the state where you live when it comes to handling state problems."

There is a downward trend, but it's weaker than with the two previous questions.  There are some unusual cases--very high in 1998, then low in 2003 and 2009-11.  The 2009-11 figures are probably because of the recession, which squeezed state government finances.  Economic circumstances may also have contributed to the high in 1998, but I can't think of any reason for the 2003 low

Finally, trust and confidence in "local governments in the area where you live when it comes to handling local problems."  

There's no discernible trend, and not much year-to-year variation (by my rough calculation, not much more than you'd expect from sampling error alone).  The figures for 2021 and 2023 are the lowest since the 1970s, so maybe a downward trend is starting to emerge, but 2022 was at a normal level.  

People are often more favorable towards things that are close to them (for example, the local schools vs. schools in general), but the differences here involve the trends.  You might expect confidence in "the American people" to be highest, and that was true in the earlier surveys, but is no longer true today.  My interpretation is that the declines for the first two questions are a reaction to conflict and polarization in national politics--ironically, confidence in state and local governments has held up because people pay less attention to them.

[Data from the Roper Center for Public Opinion Research]

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