Yes No Not sure
18-29 63% 31% 6%
30-49 48% 38% 14%
50-64 39% 44% 17%
65+ 26% 42% 33%
Children under four have sexual thoughts
Yes No Not sure
18-29 22% 74% 4%
30-49 11% 77% 12%
50-64 12% 75% 12%
65+ 9% 78% 13%
Main reason for psychological problems
Parents Own fault Luck Other Don't Know
18-29 41% 22% 8% 18% 11%
30-49 29% 18% 19% 20% 15%
50-64 21% 21% 14% 25% 20%
65+ 20% 25% 11% 14% 29%
Younger people are more likely to favor the "Freudian" on all three questions. Any time there are age differences in a survey taken at one point in time, they could be the result of either lasting generational differences or views that change with age, or some combination. I can't think of any plausible reason that views about dreams should change with age. On the last question, I think at least some of the differences reflect changes with age. It seems reasonable that younger people would think that relations with parents have more impact on life, for good or bad. Still, these results suggest that "Freudian" ideas are still slowly gaining support in the general public, even as Freud has lost some standing among intellectuals.